As we see a constant growth in the economy, an important factor, which has come to light, is the rising number of credit card users. This is evident from the fact that an average guy nowadays rarely makes cash payment for his purchases, especially for large ones.
With the rising number of credit card users, we also see a rise in the number of credit card provider companies. In fact, if you are interested in using a credit card, then you have a number of options available in the market.
Credit cards have a number of advantages. Apart from the cashless facility, that they provide, they also provide you with the facility of buy today and pay later. This makes it much easier, especially in case, where there is a delay in collection of salary, or in case of unavailability of cash reserves.
However, before you go for a credit card, you must always remember, to consider the following aspects:
1. The first consideration in case of choosing a credit card is the minimum monthly payment. This is perhaps the most important factor, while opting for a credit card option. Therefore, while you search through your options, it is better, to look for a credit card, which offers you the best deals available in the market.
2. Another important consideration in this regard is the APR or the Annual Percentage Rate. The lower the Annual Percentage Rate, the better it would be for you. It would be therefore in your benefit to search for a credit card option, which offers you the lowest APR.
3. Another important aspect is the interest free period. Round about every credit card company, nowadays offers a considerable interest free period, which makes it easier for the credit card holder in making payment. Some offer a relatively high interest free period, whereas others are relatively low. While choosing for a credit card, make sure that you get the best in this regard.
4. You should also look out for any special features or schemes, which might be available with the credit card. If something is available free of cost, it would be beneficial for you.
5. Apart from the above features, an important aspect, which you should take care, is that of your need. If your needs can be satisfied by a Gold card, then you do not have any reason to go for a Platinum card.
People go for credit cards for different reasons. Some opt for it; to support their cash flow, whereas, others may opt for a credit card, simply to avail the credit facility which they offer.
Nice article. I really enjoyed your post :)