As my father always says, convert your hobbies into your profession; and you will never have a single working day in your entire life. Most people fail to do so. However, I firmly believe that, whatever profession you are in, it hardly makes any difference; but you would be able to give your best only when you enjoy the work that you are doing.
Many people however choose to differ from the rest of the lot; and do jobs which they love to do. Such jobs are basically their hobbies, which they have always enjoyed doing; and apart from giving them job satisfaction, it also enables to do their jobs efficiently.
Artists, sculptors, writers, painters, actors etc. all belong to this category. So, it is often better to follow your heart. The following are some of the options that you can look into:
1. Travel guide
If you have a penchant for travelling and you love going places, then in that case, travel guide is the best option that you have. In order to enter this field, you would be required to have extensive knowledge of tourist places; and the icing on the cake would be, if you have knowledge of unexplored territories. So, to convert your hobby into cash in this field, you will have to approach travel guide publishers, or websites. Tell them about places, which are extremely beautiful, yet have not been explored so far. If your information is authentic and if they find you suitable for the job, you will never have a boring day.
2. Internet jobs
If you are a computer geek and love to spend most of the time in front of the computer screen, then internet jobs can actually fetch you a lot of money, apart from job satisfaction. Nowadays, there are many jobs available on the net, which pay you for jobs that you usually do, like sending mails, to writing articles, to visiting particular sites, as well. In fact, internet jobs have slowly emerged as the new buzzword. However it should be remembered that many of these jobs may not be authentic and you may end up being cheated. Therefore, before you actually go for an internet job, it would be better to check the credentials.
3. Sculpting
Sculpting may be your hobby, but you can easily convert it into your profession. If you wish to earn better, you should get proper training, which would help you not only to sharpen your skills, but would also help you to know about the right people to approach, in order to get your work auctioned. This however does not in any way imply that, you can not start your work without any proper training. In fact many successful people actually started with garage auction.
Apart from the above, there are a number of alternatives, which you can always opt for. The internet can be of great help in this regard. Visit the net and figure out the jobs, according to your temperament.