Bad credit is a problem, which has become quite common in recent times. With a recession making matters worse, we see a significant rise in the number of people with bad credit, in the last few months. This might be a direct result of the fact, that many people have lost their jobs in the last few years. As a result, more and more people have been unable to make their repayments, due to which, their credit scores have been seriously impaired.
Now, while we are pondering over this phenomenon and big brains from all across the world, are working to get the situation under control; it is worth mentioning that the world economy has been through much worse situations. So, there is always a hope of revival. But until that happens, we need to make sure that, we our bit to keep our credit ratings in good shape.
So, if you are one of those guys, who is suffering big time from bad credit, then the following are some examples of legal credit repairs:
1. The first thing that you may do, to get your credit score in shape, is to see to it, that all the items in your credit report are genuine. For this, you can get a free copy of your credit report from any credit reporting agencies and check it to see if there are any negative items in it. You can dispute any negative items, if you find any, by filling up a dispute form, which is available at the agencies as well as online. Send these forms into the agency via certified mail and always keep good records. It is the responsibility of the agency to verify the negative items with the creditor; and if your claim is found to be true, then the items will be removed from your report.
2. Make sure that you pay your credit card debts, on a regular basis. Paying off your credit card debts on a regular basis is perhaps the best way to improve upon your credit ratings. Make sure that you are not only making your payments on time, but you are also making payments, which is more than the required amount. This would send a positive signal to the credit card authorities and would reflect in your credit card report.
3. Another aspect, which can play a major role in improving your credit score, is the percentage of credit limit, which you are using up. So, if your credit limit is that of $10,000 and you are only using up around $3,500, then it shows a sense of responsibility on your part. It implies that you are not one of those guys, who do shopping, just for the heck of it. This would also have a positive reflection in your credit report.
4. Make sure, that you go by your budget. See to it, that you have your budget, properly forked out and you are going by the requirements of your budget. Now, while you are preparing your budget, make sure that you have a realistic approach. Remember that Rome was not built in a day.
It is very necessary to keep your credit score in proper shape. This is to ensure that, you can avail credit, when you really need it the most.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Using Credit Card Tokenization
As a credit card user, one of the major areas of concerns is the security in regard to the credit card. If your credit card information has ever been misused, then you would have an idea about what I am talking about. As the standard security systems are getting outdated and outwitted by computer geniuses with a criminal bend of mind, the need for advanced security arrangements is felt with each passing day. Credit card tokenization is a great step in this regard.
Quite often companies fool themselves into believing that simple encryption is enough to keep them protected from breach into sensitive data. However, such a misconception is the worst thing that you can do to yourself. As it is, single encryption makes it very much easy for many criminals to make use of loopholes, to cause serious damage to you. Criminals can get hold of the encryption keys; and this would spell trouble for you.
Credit card tokenization is a very economic way of arranging for security. Instead of making heavy expenditure on costly hardware and software installs or upgrades, it is better to go for this cost effective means to help companies achieve PCI compliance. Most people would agree to it, that instead of opting for an on site storage system, which can easily be targeted by criminals, it would be far better to opt for a remote storage system. An efficient remote storage system, can very well help in handling the process of becoming PCI compliant, as well as keeping your customers' information safe.
It is mandatory for a company engaged in storing, processing, or transmitting credit card information, to be PCI compliant. The PCI DSS or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard imposes fines, penalties, and possibly the loss of authority to accept credit cards, in case if a company fails to meet the compliance standards.
In recent times, credit card tokenization has become an increasingly popular way of maintaining the security standards by the companies accepting credit cards. As it is, the main advantage of credit card tokenization is that, it allows you to process payments without having to store any sensitive data on your own system. In cases where data is required for conducting transactions, it allows this to take place quickly and effectively. This helps in maintaining complete security.
Credit card tokenization is rapidly becoming more and more popular; not due to PCIDSS, but because of the number of advantages, which it offers. Also users would know that their credit card information is in safe hands.
Quite often companies fool themselves into believing that simple encryption is enough to keep them protected from breach into sensitive data. However, such a misconception is the worst thing that you can do to yourself. As it is, single encryption makes it very much easy for many criminals to make use of loopholes, to cause serious damage to you. Criminals can get hold of the encryption keys; and this would spell trouble for you.
Credit card tokenization is a very economic way of arranging for security. Instead of making heavy expenditure on costly hardware and software installs or upgrades, it is better to go for this cost effective means to help companies achieve PCI compliance. Most people would agree to it, that instead of opting for an on site storage system, which can easily be targeted by criminals, it would be far better to opt for a remote storage system. An efficient remote storage system, can very well help in handling the process of becoming PCI compliant, as well as keeping your customers' information safe.
It is mandatory for a company engaged in storing, processing, or transmitting credit card information, to be PCI compliant. The PCI DSS or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard imposes fines, penalties, and possibly the loss of authority to accept credit cards, in case if a company fails to meet the compliance standards.
In recent times, credit card tokenization has become an increasingly popular way of maintaining the security standards by the companies accepting credit cards. As it is, the main advantage of credit card tokenization is that, it allows you to process payments without having to store any sensitive data on your own system. In cases where data is required for conducting transactions, it allows this to take place quickly and effectively. This helps in maintaining complete security.
Credit card tokenization is rapidly becoming more and more popular; not due to PCIDSS, but because of the number of advantages, which it offers. Also users would know that their credit card information is in safe hands.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Best Credit Card- Important Things to Consider While choosing
As we see a constant growth in the economy, an important factor, which has come to light, is the rising number of credit card users. This is evident from the fact that an average guy nowadays rarely makes cash payment for his purchases, especially for large ones.
With the rising number of credit card users, we also see a rise in the number of credit card provider companies. In fact, if you are interested in using a credit card, then you have a number of options available in the market.
Credit cards have a number of advantages. Apart from the cashless facility, that they provide, they also provide you with the facility of buy today and pay later. This makes it much easier, especially in case, where there is a delay in collection of salary, or in case of unavailability of cash reserves.
However, before you go for a credit card, you must always remember, to consider the following aspects:
1. The first consideration in case of choosing a credit card is the minimum monthly payment. This is perhaps the most important factor, while opting for a credit card option. Therefore, while you search through your options, it is better, to look for a credit card, which offers you the best deals available in the market.
2. Another important consideration in this regard is the APR or the Annual Percentage Rate. The lower the Annual Percentage Rate, the better it would be for you. It would be therefore in your benefit to search for a credit card option, which offers you the lowest APR.
3. Another important aspect is the interest free period. Round about every credit card company, nowadays offers a considerable interest free period, which makes it easier for the credit card holder in making payment. Some offer a relatively high interest free period, whereas others are relatively low. While choosing for a credit card, make sure that you get the best in this regard.
4. You should also look out for any special features or schemes, which might be available with the credit card. If something is available free of cost, it would be beneficial for you.
5. Apart from the above features, an important aspect, which you should take care, is that of your need. If your needs can be satisfied by a Gold card, then you do not have any reason to go for a Platinum card.
People go for credit cards for different reasons. Some opt for it; to support their cash flow, whereas, others may opt for a credit card, simply to avail the credit facility which they offer.
With the rising number of credit card users, we also see a rise in the number of credit card provider companies. In fact, if you are interested in using a credit card, then you have a number of options available in the market.
Credit cards have a number of advantages. Apart from the cashless facility, that they provide, they also provide you with the facility of buy today and pay later. This makes it much easier, especially in case, where there is a delay in collection of salary, or in case of unavailability of cash reserves.
However, before you go for a credit card, you must always remember, to consider the following aspects:
1. The first consideration in case of choosing a credit card is the minimum monthly payment. This is perhaps the most important factor, while opting for a credit card option. Therefore, while you search through your options, it is better, to look for a credit card, which offers you the best deals available in the market.
2. Another important consideration in this regard is the APR or the Annual Percentage Rate. The lower the Annual Percentage Rate, the better it would be for you. It would be therefore in your benefit to search for a credit card option, which offers you the lowest APR.
3. Another important aspect is the interest free period. Round about every credit card company, nowadays offers a considerable interest free period, which makes it easier for the credit card holder in making payment. Some offer a relatively high interest free period, whereas others are relatively low. While choosing for a credit card, make sure that you get the best in this regard.
4. You should also look out for any special features or schemes, which might be available with the credit card. If something is available free of cost, it would be beneficial for you.
5. Apart from the above features, an important aspect, which you should take care, is that of your need. If your needs can be satisfied by a Gold card, then you do not have any reason to go for a Platinum card.
People go for credit cards for different reasons. Some opt for it; to support their cash flow, whereas, others may opt for a credit card, simply to avail the credit facility which they offer.
Gold and Platinum Credit Cards
With the rise in the standard of living; a noticeable aspect, which has come to light in recent years, is the rising number of credit card users. This gave rise to the number of credit card providers as well. With the changing times and rising level of competition, credit card companies, were forced, not only to lower their charges, but to take several important steps, one of which was fragmentation of their clients. This paved way for gold and platinum card.
Gold and platinum card holders enjoy a number of benefits which normal card holders do not enjoy. As times changed, the differences between these cards got blurred and today there remains little difference between them.
However there is still some difference left and it can not be ignored. Typically gold and platinum credit cards cater to clients, belonging to different income category. Both gold and platinum cards have their respective advantages as well as disadvantages; and it depends on your own income level as well as your own needs, which card you should go for.
Gold Cards
Gold cards come with their own baggage of advantages and disadvantages. Typically a gold card aims at catering to an average guy, with moderate means. With lower fee structure, as well as lower minimum repayment limits Gold cards seem to be the ideal option for a fairly large number of people and this explains its popularity. In fact while you are standing in a queue for making payments for your shopping in a departmental store, the man standing right in front of you is twice as likely to make his payment by a gold card, than a platinum card. In case you miss the last date for making repayment, then in all probability gold card is going to charge you a fairly lower amount of penalty fees. Also, in most cases, the balance transfer fees for a gold card, is fairly lower than that of a platinum card.
Platinum Cards
Platinum cards are aimed at the higher strata of the society. People, who fall in higher income group, usually go for a platinum card, mainly due to the advantages it offers to them. A platinum card has a higher credit limit and though it has a higher membership fees, it solves the basic purpose of credit cards in a better way, i.e. higher credit. Another important advantage is related to cash withdrawals, which is usually higher in case of platinum cards.
Both gold and platinum cards have their own advantages. May be that is the reason why a majority of people go for both types, instead of one.
Gold and platinum card holders enjoy a number of benefits which normal card holders do not enjoy. As times changed, the differences between these cards got blurred and today there remains little difference between them.
However there is still some difference left and it can not be ignored. Typically gold and platinum credit cards cater to clients, belonging to different income category. Both gold and platinum cards have their respective advantages as well as disadvantages; and it depends on your own income level as well as your own needs, which card you should go for.
Gold Cards
Gold cards come with their own baggage of advantages and disadvantages. Typically a gold card aims at catering to an average guy, with moderate means. With lower fee structure, as well as lower minimum repayment limits Gold cards seem to be the ideal option for a fairly large number of people and this explains its popularity. In fact while you are standing in a queue for making payments for your shopping in a departmental store, the man standing right in front of you is twice as likely to make his payment by a gold card, than a platinum card. In case you miss the last date for making repayment, then in all probability gold card is going to charge you a fairly lower amount of penalty fees. Also, in most cases, the balance transfer fees for a gold card, is fairly lower than that of a platinum card.
Platinum Cards
Platinum cards are aimed at the higher strata of the society. People, who fall in higher income group, usually go for a platinum card, mainly due to the advantages it offers to them. A platinum card has a higher credit limit and though it has a higher membership fees, it solves the basic purpose of credit cards in a better way, i.e. higher credit. Another important advantage is related to cash withdrawals, which is usually higher in case of platinum cards.
Both gold and platinum cards have their own advantages. May be that is the reason why a majority of people go for both types, instead of one.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Credit Card Types and Uses
A credit card is a way of making purchase, where, a user is issued a plastic card, which acts as a substitute for cash payments. The issuer of the card is usually a financial institution like a bank, which grants a line of credit to the user, so that the user can make payments for his purchase, or withdraw money in the form of cash withdrawals. This amount is later paid back to the lending institution, by the user.
A credit card is therefore, a plastic card, which entitles the user, to buy goods and services, on the basis of the holders promise to pay for these goods and services. The basic difference between a credit card and a debit card is that, in a credit card, the user buys goods and services on credit, whereas in case of debit cards, he buys them on the basis of the money deposited in his savings account.
You can choose from a number of cards. Ever since the credit cards came into existence, they have undergone many changes. Several types of credit cards evolved in due course. The following are some of the types of credit cards, which you can opt for:
1. Traditional credit cards
Traditional credit cards were basically offered by department or chain stores, gasoline companies, airlines, banks, credit unions and other lenders. Some of them were eligible for use at only one retailer while others were eligible for use at many retailers.
2. Prestige cards
Prestige cards like silver, gold and platinum cards have higher credit limits, as well as higher annual fees than traditional credit cards. Many of them offer perks such as emergency medical and legal services, collision damage waiver insurance for car rentals etc. As it is, one can opt for one or more of these cards, depending upon your requirements.
3. Affinity cards
Affinity cards are usually linked to charitable organizations. As it is, in these types of cards, a part of the annual fee or yearly charges, (or a fixed amount per transaction) is donated to the sponsoring organization.
4. Reward cards
With the competition going tough, more and more credit cards companies began to offer wonderful perks to attract more and more clients. Reward cards were a big name in this regard. These cards offer perks such as cash rebates, frequent-flier miles, discounts on goods and services, interest-rate reductions, and many other incentives. One thing, which you should always keep in mind, while choosing a card with rewards, is that, you should make sure that the rewards are for products, which you use. Also, make sure, to read the terms and conditions properly, to know about the annual fee or a limit on the amount of the reward earned annually.
Apart from the above card types, there are also, secured cards, smart cards, prepaid disposable single purpose cards, reloadable cards etc. You can choose from any of these options, the card, which suits your requirements.
A credit card is therefore, a plastic card, which entitles the user, to buy goods and services, on the basis of the holders promise to pay for these goods and services. The basic difference between a credit card and a debit card is that, in a credit card, the user buys goods and services on credit, whereas in case of debit cards, he buys them on the basis of the money deposited in his savings account.
You can choose from a number of cards. Ever since the credit cards came into existence, they have undergone many changes. Several types of credit cards evolved in due course. The following are some of the types of credit cards, which you can opt for:
1. Traditional credit cards
Traditional credit cards were basically offered by department or chain stores, gasoline companies, airlines, banks, credit unions and other lenders. Some of them were eligible for use at only one retailer while others were eligible for use at many retailers.
2. Prestige cards
Prestige cards like silver, gold and platinum cards have higher credit limits, as well as higher annual fees than traditional credit cards. Many of them offer perks such as emergency medical and legal services, collision damage waiver insurance for car rentals etc. As it is, one can opt for one or more of these cards, depending upon your requirements.
3. Affinity cards
Affinity cards are usually linked to charitable organizations. As it is, in these types of cards, a part of the annual fee or yearly charges, (or a fixed amount per transaction) is donated to the sponsoring organization.
4. Reward cards
With the competition going tough, more and more credit cards companies began to offer wonderful perks to attract more and more clients. Reward cards were a big name in this regard. These cards offer perks such as cash rebates, frequent-flier miles, discounts on goods and services, interest-rate reductions, and many other incentives. One thing, which you should always keep in mind, while choosing a card with rewards, is that, you should make sure that the rewards are for products, which you use. Also, make sure, to read the terms and conditions properly, to know about the annual fee or a limit on the amount of the reward earned annually.
Apart from the above card types, there are also, secured cards, smart cards, prepaid disposable single purpose cards, reloadable cards etc. You can choose from any of these options, the card, which suits your requirements.
Do we need a Credit Card -Bill of Rights
With a heavy rise in default in payment by credit card users, it is time for some serious analysis. Not only the credit card firms have been affected, but the users in general have also been affected. In order to match the rising competition, almost all credit card companies have indulged in extending credit to a large number of people, without doing proper check of their credit score.
In fact, an Average American today carries around six to seven credit cards in his wallet. Now, with so much credit at their disposal, most users are not able to overcome the temptation of purchasing more than what they can afford. This leads to overspending by the user, which gradually develops into a very bad habit. As a result many users begin to buy things which they do not need. Apart from this, many credit card companies also offer various schemes, which also induce users to buy more. This also adds to their plight. Apart from this, many a times, credit card companies indulge in malpractices.
In order to deal with these problems, the Credit Card Bill of Rights has been presented by Mark Udall, a well reputed US Congressman. The bill aims at directing the credit card companies to send a notice to the user before raising their rates. This would be a remarkable step as the rates and terms of the credit cards would be forced to freeze, once the cards have been cancelled by the user. The focus is on revoking the authority of the credit card companies, in regard to rise in the rates of interest and fees on the outstanding balance.
Not only that, the bill also seeks the halt of charging over the limit fees on approved transactions. Despite stiff opposition from the credit card companies and their representatives, most analysts believe that, such a bill should have been presented a long time back. It is worth mentioning that, the credit card companies have failed to mend their ways and continued to indulge in extending credit without proper check, along with several forms of malpractices, which are a major area of concern.
Some economists also fear that the bill might injure the financial sector, which is already in a very bad shape. However, despite their skepticism, the fact remains that such a step was long overdue.
The credit card sector needs to welcome the upcoming changes with open arms. This would not only help them in keeping the users satisfied, but would also save them from extending credit to people with bad credit history. By saving the users from being overcharged, the number of write offs would be far less and this would be extremely wonderful for the economy.
In fact, an Average American today carries around six to seven credit cards in his wallet. Now, with so much credit at their disposal, most users are not able to overcome the temptation of purchasing more than what they can afford. This leads to overspending by the user, which gradually develops into a very bad habit. As a result many users begin to buy things which they do not need. Apart from this, many credit card companies also offer various schemes, which also induce users to buy more. This also adds to their plight. Apart from this, many a times, credit card companies indulge in malpractices.
In order to deal with these problems, the Credit Card Bill of Rights has been presented by Mark Udall, a well reputed US Congressman. The bill aims at directing the credit card companies to send a notice to the user before raising their rates. This would be a remarkable step as the rates and terms of the credit cards would be forced to freeze, once the cards have been cancelled by the user. The focus is on revoking the authority of the credit card companies, in regard to rise in the rates of interest and fees on the outstanding balance.
Not only that, the bill also seeks the halt of charging over the limit fees on approved transactions. Despite stiff opposition from the credit card companies and their representatives, most analysts believe that, such a bill should have been presented a long time back. It is worth mentioning that, the credit card companies have failed to mend their ways and continued to indulge in extending credit without proper check, along with several forms of malpractices, which are a major area of concern.
Some economists also fear that the bill might injure the financial sector, which is already in a very bad shape. However, despite their skepticism, the fact remains that such a step was long overdue.
The credit card sector needs to welcome the upcoming changes with open arms. This would not only help them in keeping the users satisfied, but would also save them from extending credit to people with bad credit history. By saving the users from being overcharged, the number of write offs would be far less and this would be extremely wonderful for the economy.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
How to Turn Your Hobby into Cash
As my father always says, convert your hobbies into your profession; and you will never have a single working day in your entire life. Most people fail to do so. However, I firmly believe that, whatever profession you are in, it hardly makes any difference; but you would be able to give your best only when you enjoy the work that you are doing.
Many people however choose to differ from the rest of the lot; and do jobs which they love to do. Such jobs are basically their hobbies, which they have always enjoyed doing; and apart from giving them job satisfaction, it also enables to do their jobs efficiently.
Artists, sculptors, writers, painters, actors etc. all belong to this category. So, it is often better to follow your heart. The following are some of the options that you can look into:
1. Travel guide
If you have a penchant for travelling and you love going places, then in that case, travel guide is the best option that you have. In order to enter this field, you would be required to have extensive knowledge of tourist places; and the icing on the cake would be, if you have knowledge of unexplored territories. So, to convert your hobby into cash in this field, you will have to approach travel guide publishers, or websites. Tell them about places, which are extremely beautiful, yet have not been explored so far. If your information is authentic and if they find you suitable for the job, you will never have a boring day.
2. Internet jobs
If you are a computer geek and love to spend most of the time in front of the computer screen, then internet jobs can actually fetch you a lot of money, apart from job satisfaction. Nowadays, there are many jobs available on the net, which pay you for jobs that you usually do, like sending mails, to writing articles, to visiting particular sites, as well. In fact, internet jobs have slowly emerged as the new buzzword. However it should be remembered that many of these jobs may not be authentic and you may end up being cheated. Therefore, before you actually go for an internet job, it would be better to check the credentials.
3. Sculpting
Sculpting may be your hobby, but you can easily convert it into your profession. If you wish to earn better, you should get proper training, which would help you not only to sharpen your skills, but would also help you to know about the right people to approach, in order to get your work auctioned. This however does not in any way imply that, you can not start your work without any proper training. In fact many successful people actually started with garage auction.
Apart from the above, there are a number of alternatives, which you can always opt for. The internet can be of great help in this regard. Visit the net and figure out the jobs, according to your temperament.
Many people however choose to differ from the rest of the lot; and do jobs which they love to do. Such jobs are basically their hobbies, which they have always enjoyed doing; and apart from giving them job satisfaction, it also enables to do their jobs efficiently.
Artists, sculptors, writers, painters, actors etc. all belong to this category. So, it is often better to follow your heart. The following are some of the options that you can look into:
1. Travel guide
If you have a penchant for travelling and you love going places, then in that case, travel guide is the best option that you have. In order to enter this field, you would be required to have extensive knowledge of tourist places; and the icing on the cake would be, if you have knowledge of unexplored territories. So, to convert your hobby into cash in this field, you will have to approach travel guide publishers, or websites. Tell them about places, which are extremely beautiful, yet have not been explored so far. If your information is authentic and if they find you suitable for the job, you will never have a boring day.
2. Internet jobs
If you are a computer geek and love to spend most of the time in front of the computer screen, then internet jobs can actually fetch you a lot of money, apart from job satisfaction. Nowadays, there are many jobs available on the net, which pay you for jobs that you usually do, like sending mails, to writing articles, to visiting particular sites, as well. In fact, internet jobs have slowly emerged as the new buzzword. However it should be remembered that many of these jobs may not be authentic and you may end up being cheated. Therefore, before you actually go for an internet job, it would be better to check the credentials.
3. Sculpting
Sculpting may be your hobby, but you can easily convert it into your profession. If you wish to earn better, you should get proper training, which would help you not only to sharpen your skills, but would also help you to know about the right people to approach, in order to get your work auctioned. This however does not in any way imply that, you can not start your work without any proper training. In fact many successful people actually started with garage auction.
Apart from the above, there are a number of alternatives, which you can always opt for. The internet can be of great help in this regard. Visit the net and figure out the jobs, according to your temperament.
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